i dont know what to do. i found this blood spot on my pants and when i went to the bathroom i saw more!!!!!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
i dont know what to do. i found this blood spot on my pants and when i went to the bathroom i saw more!!!!!?
29 answers:
2006-05-17 16:21:59 UTC
If you can answer other people's question......You are well aware on what is going and maybe you should really act your age.Get attention with better questions.(I checked your questions and answer (profile). dedede!!!!
2006-05-13 11:03:04 UTC
You just became a woman. It's called getting your period all woman do it. Has your mother not explained it to you.If not ask one of your girlfriends what to do.
2006-05-12 17:16:28 UTC
you are not dying you just stated your period. just let your mom know and she will get you the things you need and don't worry about it because it is a natural thing to happen and your mom won't get mad she will understand and explain everything to you.
2006-05-11 20:57:55 UTC
2006-05-11 20:51:48 UTC
Oh yeah?
2006-05-11 20:16:16 UTC
Sounds like a period. How old are you? Has anyone ever talked to you about periods? You need to talk to your mom. Don't worry, just let her know what is happening.
2006-05-11 20:14:46 UTC
Yes, you're going to die.

I apologize, you're prolly menstruating, talk to your mum, or a nurse about it.
2006-05-11 20:14:38 UTC
2006-05-11 20:13:43 UTC
Probably started your period. Welcome to womanhood. Have your mom or a school nurse explain it to u.
2006-05-11 20:16:05 UTC
Oh, you are fine.

There's nothing to worry about. All girls get this. Its called a period, or menstruation in which your vagina sheds the lining of blood they use to cushion the egg when its fertilized. You can ask your mom about it. Its not scary at all. The first few times may be irregular, but usually it happens for about 3 days to 1 week and stops for 1 month. Don't worry, its just another effect of puberty, in other words, you're growing to become an adult!
Theresa N
2006-05-11 21:16:55 UTC
Go to the nearest hospital if you are feeling any dizziness, any numbness, tingling, or any visual disturbances. If you think that this is a deviation from your regular menstrual cycle, please have an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as the next business day. Right now, if you are pregnant, it might be very helpful to go to the nearest labor and delivery facility in town.
2006-05-11 20:17:00 UTC
How old are you sweetie?

I think you need to go have a QUICK chat with your mom, older sister, aunt, best friend's mom, grandmother, or somebody.

Don't be scared. It sounds like you're growing up and becoming a woman. I'm sure one of these women in your life can help you out and show you what to do next. :-)
2016-09-27 22:36:43 UTC
properly my FIRST era became kinda no longer truly a era lol. i do no longer even remember it because of the fact it became in simple terms some brown stuff in my underclothes. no longer even something to debris them up :p yet while i glance lower back that truly became my first. however the 1st one that I remember (and that had blood in touch) became like interior the morning I wakened and used the bathing room and that i observed that brown stuff lower back and it became heavier and so gross. So I filled my panties with rest room paper (lol). So I went to college and my abdomen became hurting like HELL!! So i presumed that i had to apply the bathing room. So I did and it became blooooooody :/ so I folded up some rest room paper and used that. i did no longer tell absolutely everyone cuz I had no clue what to do :/ my mom had by no ability talked to me approximately it. So I dealt with that for something of the day. Then like interior the midst of the night i could no longer get to sleep cuz i became so uncomfortable so I went to the bathing room, got here out and moist to my mom and reported "ummm so I went to the bathing room and there became blood.... In my pee" actin like i became completely clueless :p so then she became like "Oh! properly you have probable all started your era!" and that i'm like "ok.... properly... What do I do?" and she or he we into the bathing room and informed me a thank you to apply the pads. So i positioned one in and took some Tylenol and became a million/2 asleep while my mom got here into my room and reported "sorry i did no longer truly provide you time to ask any questions approximately this" so I reported "how long do I might desire to handle this" and she or he defined how usually it would ensue and how long it would final and what I could do. So then the subsequent morning my mom reported "I informed your dad. He did no longer decide to communicate approximately it. So after artwork i will purchase you some smaller pads on account which you do no longer prefer those huge ones." and my abdomen harm so undesirable that she enable me stay domicile from college. Ever on account that then my cramps are starting to be worse and worse. properly that all of us occurred while i became 12... Lol. it extremely is my tale (kinda gross)!
2006-05-11 20:16:00 UTC
You got your first visit from Aunt Flow.
2006-05-11 20:14:45 UTC
lady, how old are u? if btn 11-16, then u must have got ur first menopause, go ahead and tell ur mom. time to use stayfree,always,kotex etc...
2006-05-11 20:16:08 UTC
go away!

do you think people are fools?

what do you want us to say?

oh you poor innocent child, you don't know what is happening to you!

you are becoming a woman. you are having what is called your period.

give us a break!!!
2006-05-11 20:15:12 UTC
go to the doctor, or a clinic. ask a friend that is close to you. if you know a nurse, ask them.
2006-05-18 13:52:03 UTC
well sweetheart u might be on your peroid.go and ask a grown u are not going to die o.k
2006-05-12 10:48:07 UTC
yes your going 2 dye hahahaahahahahaahahhahah
2006-05-11 20:14:43 UTC
It was probably your period. It's not as scary as it seems just annoying.
2006-05-11 23:16:17 UTC
why are you asking this question in the "dining out" category, did this happen while you were "dining out", that's the last thing i want to think about when i'm thinking about "dining out", your question belongs somewhere else!!
2006-05-11 20:18:24 UTC
OOOboy, Its ok, you need to talk to MOM, They can always help in this area.
2006-05-13 13:21:34 UTC
your period maybe, but if it isn't you should go to the doctor.
2006-05-11 20:15:35 UTC
it is your period u should get some tampounds or pads.
2006-05-11 20:13:25 UTC
How old are you? Maybe it's your period.
2006-05-11 20:37:29 UTC
you should get a boyfriend with a smaller penis
2006-05-11 20:14:59 UTC
maybe its a pimple
2006-05-11 20:13:37 UTC
tell ur mom about this...she will make u understand everything...........
2006-05-11 20:44:01 UTC
its your period. how old r u?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.