is it legal to bring wine into restaurants in texas?
2006-04-20 17:15:51 UTC
is it legal to bring wine into restaurants in texas?
Nine answers:
2006-04-20 17:29:36 UTC
You can bring it in to a "dry" county restaurant, but you can't open it yourself. They charge you a "corkage" fee (usually about $3.00). (At least that's the way it used to be when I lived there).
2006-04-20 18:15:24 UTC
I'm not sure if it is legal to bring wine INTO the restaurant; if the restaurant doesn't serve wine, I don't see why they would have a problem with it other than you possibly taking money away from their alcohol sales if they sell alcohol. If they sell wine, I'm sure they would mind if you brought your own. You should call whichever restaurant you're curious about and ask. (To the person who said they were surprised Texans knew what wine was...bite me.)
2006-04-24 10:42:31 UTC
To the person who was shocked that Texans knew what wine is - Shame on you! What gives you the right to be so narrow-minded and snooty? Grow up and get a life!
2006-04-20 17:19:48 UTC
I'm not sure about Texas, but here in SC if you live in a "dry" county they will serve it to you if you bring wine in yourself.
2006-04-20 17:18:24 UTC
I didn't realize that people from Texas have heard of wine.
2006-04-20 17:19:15 UTC
Sh^t-----! I bring wine, salad dressing, hot sauce, and everything else to the restaurant all the time!!!
2006-04-20 17:19:31 UTC
yes, just don't bring the following items:

common sense


hybrid vehicles

2006-04-20 17:18:59 UTC
some rest i wrk at an italian place called mi piaci and its byob
2006-04-20 17:19:02 UTC
yeah just put a brown bag around and your good, cops cant check you or any body else

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