Is it spontaneous to have sex in a restaurant knowing you could get caught?
Southern Girl
2006-04-11 22:08:27 UTC
Is it spontaneous to have sex in a restaurant knowing you could get caught?
Eleven answers:
sal the dog
2006-04-11 23:00:54 UTC
Now THAT is a happy meal. Did you get fries with that?

Seriously, you do need to be careful - you never know what you will find in those ball pits in the play area. You might scare the kids too.

Was that after the main course, but before the dessert? I guess it sort of WAS the dessert. Kind of a pain that they banned smoking in restaurants, eh?

ok, I'll stop now.
2006-04-12 05:09:54 UTC
It would only be spontaneous if it were unplanned--sounds like this is at least being thought about in advance.

It is, whether spontaneous or planned, totally inappropriate.
2006-04-12 06:19:59 UTC
It sounds like exhibitionism, right? Well if that's your thing, just don't get caught I'd say. lol, I bet that's the point right? :P

Well, it could land you in jail or a fine probably... Don't most states have public decency laws? I know people can land in jail for the night if they urinate publicly in some cities. Have you ever watched Seinfeid? :P funny episode...
2006-04-12 05:13:55 UTC
Main Entry: spon·ta·ne·ous

Pronunciation: spän-'tA-nE-&s

Function: adjective

Etymology: Late Latin spontaneus, from Latin sponte of one's free will, voluntarily

1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint

2 : arising from a momentary impulse

3 : controlled and directed internally : SELF-ACTING

4 : produced without being planted or without human labor : INDIGENOUS

5 : developing without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment

6 : not apparently contrived or manipulated : NATURAL
2006-04-12 06:41:41 UTC
Yes, it is spontaneous but you could also be arrested. Would that be worth it?
Bob W
2006-04-12 05:10:08 UTC
Only spontaneous if it wasn't planned in advance... Wanna go to dinner? :)
2006-04-16 04:07:21 UTC
it is spontaneous to have sex when the desire stricks, but to have sex with fear of getting cought is more a rush
2006-04-12 06:17:31 UTC
there is an air of danger in this cautionary jaunt..i guess its a thrillseeking thingy..go for it!
2006-04-13 14:40:06 UTC
if u were loud u should have gotten caught if u weren't how'd u get caught?
2006-04-12 05:12:03 UTC
it could be
2006-04-12 08:07:44 UTC
That's risk! but it's life isn't it? ..Go ahead! ha ha

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