can you be married but yet love another person i do love my wife?
2006-05-28 03:03:04 UTC
can you be married but yet love another person i do love my wife?
Eight answers:
2006-05-28 03:14:07 UTC
Yes is the simple answer.

Love is unquantifyable. Are you in love with more than one person? Do you love more than one person?

I love a few people but I am not in love with any of them.

The only problem you have is if you are in love with more than one person. If you really love your wife then there should be no question of being in love with another. This would hurt your wife deeply and if you love her that would be the last thing you would want to do.

I don't mean to be rude but you are sounding very selfish in wanting your cake and eating it. Be fair to both women make a choice before the choice is made for you and you end up with neither. The other woman may seem more exciting now but that is because of the danger factor which gives you an adrenalin rush. Stop it now.
cluelesskat maria
2006-05-28 03:08:43 UTC
if you love another person, then it is called cheating your wife, you cannot love a person and cheat. will you allow your wife to say the same thing, food for thought. get a life you made a commitment stick to it dont want butter on both sides of the bread, your wife has a right to her freedom if you are cheating
2006-05-28 03:07:11 UTC
i believe that you may love another person, but IF you have a wife, in my opinion you are saying "Hey I love you enough to be your one and only" and if this other person you love as well, and possibly enough to have an affair with... then before you do... question the reasons why you love and stay with your wife.. question the reasons why you really feel that you love this other person.. and then question yourself to see if you are REALLY ready to settle down with one person the rest of your life.
2006-05-28 03:06:08 UTC
You can love you parents and family but if you love someone else romantically then you need to either leave your wife or stop the affair!
2006-05-28 03:05:54 UTC
A'h! But does your wife?
is my name really important
2006-05-28 03:16:59 UTC
y would u marry the person u love and then cheat on them.... ur so stuiped
2006-05-28 03:12:16 UTC
I guess my husband is asking himself the same question. I'll tell you what i tell him: you can't have your cake and eat it too.
2006-05-28 03:05:01 UTC
depends on what we define "love". But in long term, that will destroy your life.

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